
In the past, EuroVienna has been able to help many projects get off on the right foot and continues to support various organisations and EU projects in the private as well as the public sector.


As part of the Danube Transnational Programme, EuroVienna supported twenty project partners from Munich and Vienna to Chișinău and Podgorica during the EcoBusiness Danube project submission. Should the project be awarded a grant in 2018, entrepreneurs from the entire Danube region, spearheaded by the MA 22 (the municipal department responsible for environmental issues in Vienna), will learn how to make “green and clean profits”.

City Nature. Development of methods and means of communication for the preservation and stabilisation of biological diversity and ecosystem services in Vienna and Bratislava. Municipal Department for Environmental Protection (MA 22)


Treasures. Treasures from Central Europe. Culture, Nature, Music. Municipality of Marchegg, Austrian Museum of Ethnology, Slovak National Museum


Nemo Net. Network for inclusive quality tourism in the Neusiedlersee region - Modra. Municipalities of Illmitz and Jois, Cities of Purbach and Modra (SK)


EOS - Energy Optimisation Sludge Treatment. ebs Hauptkläranlage (engl. main wastewater treatment plant)


 Search for suitable funding options. Municipality of Wiener Neudorf


notes. Notes towards the beginning of the short 20th century | an opportunity for a shared historical understanding - shaping a common base for the future. MuseumsQuartier Errichtungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft


Worth. Institute of Geonics CAS, v.v.i, Ostrava, Czech Republic


Hollabrunn - Holic. Municipality of Hollabrunn


Administrative objective “More EUROpe for Vienna” 2015-2018. Wien Holding


Search for suitable funding options. fjum. forum journalismus und medien wien


Smart Block II Energy. Burtscher-Durig Civil Engineers


Search for suitable funding options. Nordbahnhof Nord. MA 21 - Municipal Department for District Planning and Land Use


Centre for Loam Construction - Consultation on EU project submission. Museum Village in Niedersulz (Weinviertel region)


The Basics. Development and submission of EU-funded projects. Eurocomm PR


TWIST. Rehabilitation Centre Liesing



The TargetAMD project team has taken it upon itself to do research on better and more sustainable ways to medically treat age-related macular degeneration. EuroVienna manages the finances for one of the project partners, Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung.

Trainings in BACID

Preparation and implementation of a workshop on EU funding options for EU consultants from various municipalities in Montenegro, Albania and Serbia.


EuroAccess - the fastest way to your EU grant. The EuroAccess website acts as a first contact point during the search for suitable funding options.


EuroAccess is a search engine in use since 2015 developed by EuroVienna and commissioned by the European Commission. The website serves as a first contact point for project leaders looking for EU funding options for their project idea. The German version, specifically designed for project leaders from Austria, has been available online and free of charge since 2015.


Three pilot initiatives are being financed in order to establish sustainable cooperation in Slovakia and Austria: The travelling exhibition “Schätze aus Zentraleuropa” (engl. “Treasures from Central Europe”), born from cooperation between the two countries, as well as partial renovation of the castles of Marchegg and Dolná Krupá. EuroVienna handles the project and financial management.


The project puts into practice a number of measures within the framework of inclusive quality tourism: Construction of a bike path, infrastructure for e-mobility, revitalisation of natural ponds in Modra and Purbach in addition to a publication and an exhibition on the history of German-speaking lumberjacks in Slovakia. EuroVienna has been commissioned to handle the project and financial management.


Excellence-in-ReSTI is a project co-financed by the Danube Transnational Programme involving 11 partners. It is the objective of the programme to enhance excellence in research and social as well as technological innovation in the Danube region. As a project partner, EuroVienna is involved in its implementation. Duration of the project: February 2017 - July 2019.


The ENERGY BARGE project is looking to make a contribution to renewable energy use in the Danube region. Key stakeholders along the value chain, biomass companies and ports along the Danube as well as relevant authorities and political actors collaborate effectively to achieve this goal.

FLC - First Level Control / European Social Fund WAFF - Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds (engl. Vienna Employment Promotion Fund)


TAF. Priority Area 10 of the EU Strategy for the Danube region, city of Vienna


CLUE - Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe. TINA VIENNA (Urban Innovation Vienna)


EMPIRIC - Enhancing Multimodal Platforms, Inland waterways and Railways services Integration in Central Europe. TINA VIENNA (Urban Innovation Vienna)


INNOSPIRIT - Enabling and Capitalising of Urban Technologies. TINA VIENNA (Urban Innovation Vienna)


INWAPO - Inland Waterway and Sea Ports. TINA VIENNA (Urban Innovation Vienna)


PUMAS - Sustainable Mobility Solutions in the Alpine Space. TINA VIENNA (Urban Innovation Vienna)


TRANSFORM - Transformation Agenda for Low Carbon Cities. TINA VIENNA (Urban Innovation Vienna)


 PAC10. Priority Area 10 of the EU Strategy for the Danube region, City of Vienna


 CC-Ware – Mitigating Vulnerability of Water Resources under Climate Change. Wiener Wasser MA 31 (engl. Municipal Water Department)


Studies for the expansion of the trimodal port of Freudenau/Vienna. Wiener Hafen (engl. Port of Vienna)


 Expansion of the tri-modal inland port by land recovery. Wiener Hafen (engl. Port of Vienna)



START co-financed 48 projects in the Danube region with a total grant of € 10,000 to € 40,000 per project. More than 200 partner organisations from 14 different countries cooperate closely to find solutions and strategies to tackle common challenges. The START Danube Region Project Fund was a pilot initiative of the Priority Area 10 (PAC 10) of the EU strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR). EuroVienna implemented the initiative on the operational level from 2014 to 2016.


The Danube Strategic Project Fund is a pilot initiative of the Priority Area 10 (PAC 10) of the EU strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR) whose goal it is to support the implementation of strategic projects in the Danube region. The initiative is set to run from September 2017 to August 2019 and plans to subsidise about 12 projects with a grant of € 70,000 to € 100,000. EuroVienna oversees the implementation on the operational level.


EU grants made easy! In cooperation with KDZ (Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung; engl. Centre for Public Administration Research) we shared invaluable expertise on EU grants with the participants during a number of trainings. People from all over Austria and Germany took part.

Training Wien Holding

Our training programme on issues related to EU grants helps disentangle the myths surrounding EU grants. If and when there are open spots, people not employed by Wien Holding are also more than welcome to partake in the training programme.

IMH - Institut Manfred Hämmerle. Conferences, Seminars

Personnel Secondment