Rainer Müller
Dipl.-Ing. (MSc.) Rainer Müller, Vienna University of Technology, Senior Project Manager and authorised officer at EuroVienna, graduated in November 1995 with a degree in spatial and regional planning. He has more than 25 years of proven international work experience with profound project management skills gained in a variety of transportation and mobility projects. During his studies he gained experience in the preparation and elaboration of environmental impact assessments for various railroad projects in Austria using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques and tools. He started working at TINA Vienna (today: UIV Urban Innovation Vienna) in September 1997 and joined the EuroVienna team on October 1, 2018. His main tasks were and are the development, application and submission, content input and project management of various EU and IFI funded projects and R&D projects (e.g. CEF, EBRD, LIFE, Interreg, Horizon and Austrian research funding) in the transport sector, and assessment and evaluation of transport infrastructure in the Balkans, CIS countries, CEEC and Türkiye. In 1998/99, he spent six months as an expert at the European Commission, the former DG XVI.E (Cohesion Fund) in Brussels. Rainer Müller Mueller specializes in all issues related to European transport policies and strategies (TEN-T) as well as transport and mobility issues at urban and regional level.
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